Codebase Cop - A Slack Bot Watching Over Your Tickets
At Project-A we are using Codebase as a project management tool together with its version control. Just as with any other tools you can create tickets and organize them in sprints. Our usual (very simplified) workflow includes:
- Sprint planning for tickets
- Priotizing tickets
- Developer working on tickets
- Product managers verifying if the tickets were implemented as intended
Unfortunately, sometimes your backlog keeps growing and tickets are no longer valid, outdated or, in the worst case, just forgotten.
As part of our IT Open Space I decided to look into this issue. Luckily, both Slack and Codebase provide an API to access and push data to: Codebase API & Slack API.
The idea is to fetch outdated and stale tickets from Codebase and notify the responsible person on Slack.
First we need to setup some values and import the necessary libraries
from datetime import datetime
import time
import requests
CODEBASE_USER = 'project-a/codebase-user-7'
CODEBASE_KEY = 'mysecretcodebasekey'
SLACK_CHANNEL = "#my-slack-channel"
SLACK_USERNAME = "codebase cop"
assignee_slack_mapping = {'codebase-user-63': '@slack.user63',
'codebase-user-7': '@slack.user7'}
After that we fetch the tickets with some additional information and notify the person on Slack. For the outdated tickets we request all tickets which are not “done” and have not been touched for at least 60 days:
def get_old_tickets():
old_tickets = []
now =
cnt = 1
while True:
r = requests.get(
f'{CODEBASE_API_URL}/bi/tickets.json?query=milestone:"Current week/sprint"&page={cnt}',
if r.status_code == 200:
for ticket in r.json():
if ticket['ticket']['status']['name'] != 'Done' and \
(now - datetime.strptime(ticket['ticket']['updated_at'],
'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')).days > 60:
cnt += 1
return old_tickets
We do the same for stale tickets. Those are tickets who have been finished by the developer but have not been reviewed by the product manager within 7 days:
def get_overdue_qa_tickets():
qa_tickets = []
for status in ['QA', 'Deployed']:
r = requests.get(f'{CODEBASE_API_URL}/bi/tickets.json?query=status%3A{status}',
now =
for ticket in r.json():
if ticket['ticket']['milestone']['name'] == 'Current week/sprint' and \
(now - datetime.strptime(ticket['ticket']['updated_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')).days > 7:
return qa_tickets
Aftet getting all tickets it is time to notify the people on Slack. This is fairly simple as all you have to do is putting together a JSON-payload and send it as a POST-request to your incoming Slack webhook:
def notify_assignees(tickets):
now =
with open('/var/log/codebase_cop.log', 'a') as w:
for t in tickets:
ticket_id = t['ticket']['ticket_id']
ticket_summary = t['ticket']['summary']
assignee = t['ticket']['reporter']
status = t['ticket']['status']['name']
if t['ticket']['assignee'] is not None:
assignee = t['ticket']['assignee']
ticket_assignee = assignee_slack_mapping[assignee]
ticket_overdue_time = (now - datetime.strptime(t['ticket']['updated_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')).days
fallback_txt, pretext, text = "", "", ""
if status == 'QA':
fallback_txt = f"Please QA ticket #{ticket_id}: {ticket_summary} - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}"
pretext = "QA is overdue"
text = f"Hey, {ticket_assignee}: The QA status for this ticket has not been updated for over {ticket_overdue_time} days - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}"
if status == 'Deployed':
fallback_txt = f"Please mark ticket #{ticket_id} as Done: {ticket_summary} - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}"
pretext = "Ticket is done"
text = f"Hey, {ticket_assignee}: The ticket has been deployed {ticket_overdue_time} days ago. Please review it - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/tickets/{ticket_id}"
if ticket_overdue_time > 60:
fallback_txt = f"Please review old Ticket #{ticket_id}: {ticket_summary} - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}"
pretext = "Review old ticket"
text = f"Hey, {ticket_assignee}: The ticket has not been updated for over {ticket_overdue_time} days, please check if it is still valid - {CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}"
payload = {"channel": SLACK_CHANNEL, "username": SLACK_USERNAME, "icon_emoji": SLACK_ICON_EMOJI,
"attachments": [{
"fallback": fallback_txt,
"pretext": pretext,
"title": f"Ticket #{ticket_id}: {ticket_summary}" % (ticket_id, ticket_summary),
"title_link": f"{CODEBASE_PROJECT_URL}/{ticket_id}",
"text": text,
"color": "danger"}]
f'{now.isoformat()}, {ticket_id}, {ticket_summary}, {assignee}, {status}, {ticket_assignee}, {ticket_overdue_time}, {status}\n')
# notify channel every Monday
if now.weekday() == 0:
r =, json=payload)
payload['channel'] = ticket_assignee
# notify assignee directly
r =, json=payload)
The script will send a prettily formatted message to the responsible person on Slack. And as some icing on the cake it will also notify everybody on the channel once a week. 😉
The whole code is also on Github.