PikoPy: A python package for working with a Piko Inverter from Kostal
The first step of my plan, building a Raspberry Pi based photovoltaic monitoring solution, is finished. I created a python package that works with the Kostal Piko 5.5 inverter (and theoretically should work with other Kostal inverters as well) and offers a clean interface for accessing the data:
import pikopy
#create a new piko instance
p = Piko('host', 'username', 'password')
#get current power
print p.get_current_power()
#get voltage from string 1
print p.get_string1_voltage()
The next steps are collecting the data and processing it.
The library can be downloaded from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pikopy
The code is on Github: https://github.com/Tafkas/KostalPikoPy